
A note from the principal
It’s been a wonderful Catholic Schools Week! I would like to thank our amazing PTO and parents for their generosity throughout this Catholic Schools Week. The daily sweet and salty treats, candy, snacks, drinks, and cookies certainly pumped us up (especially our stomachs!) Thank you to PTO for lunch earlier today. Thank you, Ms. Sealy, for organizing the parents who watched our students during our lunch and movie time. All teachers enjoyed the time together and ate slowly and had conversations with each other. Thank you to our guest speakers yesterday, Mother Seraphina and Deacon Barry for sharing their journey to religious life and the diaconate. Thank you to Ms. Kelly, Ms. Gallagher and Ms. Rahali for planning and preparing for the special activities during Catholic Schools Week. Last but not least, thank you to those reading our parents, grandparents, parish members, and volunteers who give so freely of their time and talents. Thank you for your support and continuous prayers not just Catholic Schools Week but throughout the entire year. I depend on you in so many ways and want you to know how much I appreciate you. You help keep our school community a wonderful place for both students and teachers to grow and learn.
school registration Runs through the end of next week!
Registration for the 2025-2026 school year begins on Monday, January 27th and will run through Friday, February 7th! We are looking forward to another wonderful year with your wonderful children!
Click HERE to see the letter from Fr. Stef regarding registration and click below to register! Click HERE FOR THE FACT SHEET
**There will be a late fee for late registrations, so don't delay! **
Virtual Book Fair through 2/7
This year we will be having a VIRTUAL book fair. This will replace the fair that we usually do the in the library, but will run at the same time during Catholic Schools Week! You can click HERE to access the flyer and click below to order your books!​
colto family night& Burning of the greens
Come celebrate being a part of the St. Catherine of Siena School for Catholic Schools Week!!
Join the fellow Colt Families of an evening of BINGO. Free to play – donated prizes for winning cards!!
Don’t forget hot dogs, chili, coneys, and walking tacos will be available for purchase tonight!
BYOB for adult drinks.
Burning of the Greens will start at 7:30, please plan to join in after some BINGO fun!
This is a family event, so children must be with a parent! Children should not be dropped off and unattended.
Click below for all of the info!
PTO Event - Father/daughter dance
Join us for a Night in Paris on February 8th!! Click below to view the invitation!!
Dinner will be served, flowers for the girls at the end of the evening will be provided! RSVPS are due by February 4th!
Finally, if you are able to help, it would be greatly appreciated! Click HERE for a SignUpGenius to help make the night amazing!
PTO Event - mother/Son Event
Mother-Son night at the Cyclones Game on Friday, February 28th at 7:35pm! Please RSVP to Mike Faillo (faillomr@gmail.com) with the number of tickets by Saturday, February 1st to secure your seats with your fellow Colts! Tickets are $20 a person and can be paid via venmo (@Kelly-Faillo) or check/cash to Mike.
grades 3-8 Boys volleyball
We have had some parents express interest in getting boys' volleyball going at St. Catherine. Kenton and Boone Counties offer several different leagues for boys.
We are a go for 5th and 6th grade boys' volleyball. We have coaches and interest from boys. The season will start in late February/early March and run about 6 weeks.
If your son (in grades 3-8) wants to play, please use the Google Form to sign him up.
While we can't guarantee we will have a team for all of the age groups, we are gauging interest that will help for the future of boys' volleyball at St. Catherine.
Questions? Contact Amy Muench at amymuench@yahoo.com
Johnson Color run
Fort Thomas’ Johnson Elementary Color Run is right around the corner! Registration is now open and the race itself takes place on Saturday, March 15th with 5 time slots for participants to choose from. We would love to see 400 youth registrations and 200 ‘adult of youth’ registrations! See the flyer below for information on how to participate!
CONNECT 25 is the Junior High Retreat that will be held on February 22 at TMU. This is open to Junior High youth (grades 6 – 8). A day of connections with faith, friendship, and fun. The retreat theme is FOUND (Luke 15:1-7). Come and find out what it means to be FOUND. Registration deadline is Feb 5. Sponsored by the Diocesan Office of Youth Ministry. Click below for more information or to register.
power of prayer
We are starting a new prayer initiative for the remainder of the school year. If you have a special intention that you would like our students to pray for, please click on the link below to add your intention. As a school we will be praying for all of the special intentions we receive throughout the week.
There is also a link at the top right of the school webpage that you can use as well to enter a prayer intention.
Fort Thomas Football
We’re excited to kick off another great season of football with the FTJFL! Spring Flag and Fall Tackle Registration is NOW OPEN. Below, you’ll find a quick guide to help you navigate our new registration process. We will close age groups as they fill so, please register early!!
Important Items to Note
You must be a Ft. Thomas resident or attending a Ft Thomas school to participate in Spring Flag unless you are also enrolled in tackle football.
If you are a nonresident and would like to be added to a waiting list, please follow the below registration process and select "Spring Flag Waitlist"
Both Spring Flag & Fall Tackle welcome both male & female players
Please contact EventLink directly if you have issues creating your account (866.330.7710). All other questions can be sent to clerk.ftjfl@gmail.com.
Thank you for being part of our community, and we can’t wait to see your athletes on the field!
How to Register for Tackle & Flag Football
Click the Registration Link
https://www.fortthomasjrfootball.com/Registrations -
Select the Tackle & Flag Football Registration Box
Choose the Item(s) You Are Registering For
Flag ONLY: Pick the appropriate age group under the yellow icons.
Tackle ONLY or Tackle & Flag: Select the appropriate age group under the brown icons.
Additional Children (3rd–6th Grade): Add the "Additional Child" item if needed. (Note: There are no discounts for 7th & 8th graders.)
Create an EventLink Account (if needed)
This is a new registration platform, so you’ll need to create an account if you don’t already have one.
A pop-up box will appear prompting you to Sign In or Continue to create an account.
Add Your Athletes
Create a record for each athlete you are registering.
Once added, you’ll be subscribed to league communications and, eventually, your child’s team updates.
Reminder for 7th & 8th Grade Registration
Please register early, as 7th & 8th grade coaches plan to have organized Spring workouts with the team.
Before participating in workouts, practices, or games, each 7th & 8th grader must:
1. Complete all required registration forms in Final Forms.
FinalForms - Fort Thomas Independent Schools
2. Submit a Preparticipation Physical Evaluation Form and a KHSAA Eligibility Form through Final Forms.
If you want to learn more in person, we invite you to join us at The Post on February 16th from 2:00 to 4:00 PM for a special event. Whether you’re currently involved in the league—coaches, referees, announcers—or interested in joining the team, this is a perfect opportunity to connect, learn, and share your passion for youth football.
And moms, we’d love to see you there too! Whether you're a parent supporting from the sidelines or considering getting involved in a bigger way, there’s a place for you in the FTJFL community.
Kids are welcome as well! Bring the whole family and let them see how FTJFL operates and meet some of the faces they see on the field.
Date: February 16th
Time: 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Location: The Post
Feel free to bring a friend or anyone who might be interested. Questions? Click below to send an email!
Kids Caught in Kindness
Kids Caught in Kindness is a new initiative started by a Fort Thomas Coffee employee who witnessed three kids go out of their way to support another student who was experiencing a hard moment. At FTC we believe in the importance of recognizing those moments and the kids involved in order to support and encourage more opportunities of kindness.
There is a lot of attention drawn to the negative behavior and choices of the youth. Gandhi said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” As community members we can be the change by looking for kindness and calling it out. We can also encourage our younger members to “be the change” when we see them acting in kindness and positively reinforcing it.
FTC has created a “button” which individuals can use to donate into the fund. Gift cards will be purchased (through the fund) and given to the schools to hand out to nominated kids (as supplies allow).
Kids can be nominated by anyone in the community, either a teacher, a business owner, another parent, or a community member. The school that the child attends would deliver the gift card to the child as well as communicate to their parents or guardians that this child was “Caught In Kindness.”
Yearbook photos needed!!
As you know our school yearbook is already available to purchase!
For the yearbook to be a great success with lots of different activities and students in it, we NEED your photos! To get to those to us, follow these four steps:
1) Go to this site: https://plicbooks.com/go/ZDC77E (this is specific to our yearbook)
2) Choose one of the preset categories in the drop down menu (ex: sports).
3) Choose "upload your files'' (for PC, phone, tablet storage) or Google Drive or Instagram.
3) Choose your photos and click "start upload."
4) Once you get the message that your uploads are complete. You are set!
This is the BEST and EASIEST way for you to share and us to receive pictures for the yearbook. Please consider saving or bookmarking the link for easy adding of photos after an event
Please take a few minutes to go in and add events for this year so far:
first day of school, soccer, cross country, field trips, class days, assemblies, volleyball, etc... We need those pictures!
If you have any questions or concerns, please email Joliene Garlich at jgarlich@stcky.org.