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PRo Life Ministry

This page is intended to share information and organizations that support the Catholic church's pro-life mission to uphold the dignity of the whole human person from natural conception until natural death. It is maintained by the St. Catherine Pro-Life Committee. 


Unplanned Pregnancy & Support for Families








If you or someone you know are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, or you're struggling to care for your child or children, there are agencies wanting to help. A caring representative is waiting to confidentially and respectfully talk to you about your fears and concerns. Parenting classes and help with needed supplies like diapers, pregnancy tests, and free ultrasounds are just some of the numerous items available. 



​(859) 282-9878 (24 hour Helpline)
Free pregnancy tests and ultrasounds; parenting classes for women and men; material assistance;
abstinence education; after-abortion care.








In the spirit of Christian concern, the Madonna House strives to help and support the single young woman who has chosen to give birth and raise her child. The goal of Madonna House is to prepare the mother emotionally, financially, spiritually, and educationally for independent living. 


















The ministries of the Rose Garden Mission are: a full Pregnancy Care Center, helping Moms make good choices in their pregnancies and assisting them with material needs for them and their babies; a no-questions-asked Food Pantry where families may receive food every day the Mission’s open; a free primary care clinic called the Rose Garden Center for Hope & Healing; and a free Dental Clinic.




There are resources available to assist women and couples in managing pregnancies and diagnosing reproductive and gynecologic issues.  This is done in a way that respects the dignity of the patient and keeps with the directives of the Church.  Help girls and women of all ages tackle painful periods and PMS without hormonal birth control and possible dangerous side effects.​







​ 1400 North Grand Ave., Ft. Thomas, KY 41017For all women of reproductive age, from adolescence through menopause.SOME COMMONLY TREATED PROBLEMS: Heavy, painful, irregular periods, PMS, Acne, PregnancyAvoidance, Endometriosis, Miscarriage, Infertility, Menopause, hormonal support​












Working in Faith:
Two Cincinnati Doctors Specialize in NaPro Technology -in-faith/95574












​Can you tackle painful periods and PMS without hormonal birth control? It's so common for women to be prescribed the pill, or the IUD, for 'medical reasons' that we have almost lost sight of the fact that there are other, much better ways to address these problems!! The alternatives are usually diving deep into the why behind the symptoms, which is what we want to always be sure we are doing! Here are some options if you are trying to find the answers to what is causing PMS or painful periods.


Here is a program that can walk you through what different signs and symptoms can mean and how you can support your body uniquely based on what you are experiencing. Cycle Care Companion


Or schedule a free discovery call with Rita Johnson here, who can help you figure out the next best step in figuring out what your body needs to move from struggling to thriving!

-- Rita Johnson, CFCP, NTP

Divine Mercy NutritionalCare



Now offering Nutritional Therapy! Learn more about what that is and how it can help you in your health journey: Divine Mercy NutritionalCare

Need to schedule an appointment? Check out my online Scheduler



In Vitro Fertilization: The Human Cost March, 2024

Bishop Burbidge: IVF Presents an ‘Obvious’ and ‘Subtle’ Threat to Human Dignity, 2024




There are people with whom you can talk in confidence about your experience.  Start a path to healing and forgiveness.










​Project Rachel is a confidential post-abortive ministry in the Catholic Church that serves those who have been affected by abortion. The Project Rachel Ministry helps women and men journey to hope and healing by discovering God’s love and grace through a network of spiritual counselors, advocates, and peer-to-peer ministry. Women and men who have carried guilt and shame for years can find mercy through reconciliation and spiritual direction.



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Church Phone - 859-441-1352
School Phone - 859-572-2680


1803 N Ft Thomas Ave

Fort Thomas, KY 41075 

Parish Office Hours:

       Mon - Fri 9am -3pm


School Office:

7:30am - 3:30 pm, Mon - Fri

during the school year



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