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due Aug 12

In an effort to reduce paper, we've moved some of our back-to-school forms online! 


Please follow the steps below by August 12th to complete your family's enrollment in St. Catherine of Siena for the 2024-2025 school year. 


> > Update your family's information in Sycamore


  • Log into Sycamore using your existing credentials*

    • Click on 'My Family'

      • Click on 'Information'

        • Update information on each of the 4 tabs (General, Contacts, Students, and Medical)


*If you do not have access to Sycamore or one or more of your students are not listed, please contact the school office

Check here when you have completed the Sycamore updates. 

step 2

> > Review and acknowledge the school policies below 



As with many older facilities, St. Catherine was built in an era when asbestos was considered a safe and viable building material. In recent years this practice has been stopped and buildings containing asbestos are closely monitored for safety. Part of the process is to inform parents each year that our building does contain asbestos. All of the areas are safe for children, and constant monitoring and strict construction and renovation codes insure these areas remain safe. If you have any questions or concerns about asbestos at St. Catherine, feel free to call Mr. Jacks at the school (859-572-2680). 

I have read and understand the above statement.


I have read and understand the St. Catherine School Handbook.


As a Catholic school, the dress code should reflect values such as virtue and modesty. In addition to this, uniforms give children a sense of pride in their education, which is exemplified by their respectful attitude toward their schoolwork, their teachers, fellow students and the facilities themselves. It has been proven in various studies that schools that employ uniforms have higher student achievement and fewer discipline problems. By putting on a uniform, it is a psychological cue for the students to ready themselves for learning. Uniforms “even out” any disparity in students in terms of economic status or ethnic differences while also removing the whole “what to wear” headache when getting the kids up for school in the morning. Uniforms do not prevent children from expressing their individuality, but refocus kids to expressing their individuality through their essays, creative writing, artwork, music, etc., which is a more beneficial way of teaching them how to express themselves. When purchasing clothes for your child, make sure they are “uniform” style and free of any logos.


Review the school dress code

I have read and understand the St. Catherine School dress code.


It is very important for your child’s physical education teacher to be aware of any injury, illness or operation your child has had that may affect his/her performance in class. (allergies, a broken bone, not fully healed, asthma, etc.) Students will always be expected to participate in gym class unless a note has been sent in to school by a parent. Please share with us during the year any concerns you may have about your child’s performance in physical education class if accidents or illnesses occur. To get the new year started, use the box below to share any information with the PE teacher. 

 Special Gym Class Notes 
All students should wear navy blue or black gym shorts/sweatpants & the  gray t-shirt. They should wear it to school and all day so they do not have to change for gym class. The gym shorts can be worn all year (at the parents' discretion), however, please note that outdoor recess will still occur in the winter months. Students should not wear jewelry during gym class. Gym shoes that support the foot and fasten (tie or Velcro) must be worn during class.  Socks should be uniform colors and must be seen above the entire shoe.  Click here to order gym uniforms.


These Diocesan forms cannot be completed online.


> > Please PRINT these forms and return them to the school

office by the first day of school.


> Photo Video Website Release Form

> Electronic Device Policy - one for each student please

> Olympic Day / Team Up with God shirt order


> Food Allergy Form (only if your child has an allergy)


Check here when you have printed and completed the diocesan forms. 


> > Check out these links for helpful information and updates:


> 2024-2025 School Calendar

> Announcements

> After School Program Registration (If Applicable)



You're almost finished! Enter your name and submit.

Please fill out all required fields.


Church Phone - 859-441-1352
School Phone - 859-572-2680


1803 N Ft Thomas Ave

Fort Thomas, KY 41075 

Parish Office Hours:

       Mon - Fri 9am -3pm


School Office:

7:30am - 3:30 pm, Mon - Fri

during the school year



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